Kazibra Constitution

Kazibra – the 55th State in Africa Constitution

The Constitution of Kazibra: A New Vision for Africa


We, the people of Africa, united by our shared heritage and a vision for a brighter future, establish Kazibra as a beacon of unity and progress. Recognizing the diversity of our continent and the limitless potential within each individual, we strive to create a society based on equality, peace, and the pursuit of knowledge. Kazibra is not a replacement for existing nations but a virtual space where all Africans can connect, collaborate, and contribute to a better tomorrow.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

1.1. Kazibra is a unique entity, a virtual nation with real citizens. We are independent, united, and committed to social progress. Our foundation lies in morality, fairness, and the belief in a peaceful future for all.

1.2. Kazibra is a forward-looking nation, embracing science, technology, and intercontinentalism. Our mission is to empower every African, providing the tools and resources needed to create a better life for themselves and their communities.

Chapter 2: Declaration of Unity

2.1. Kazibra is a virtual nation open to all Africans. Our purpose is to foster peace, promote equal opportunities, and work towards the well-being of all humanity.

2.2. We welcome anyone who shares our values and abides by our laws. Kazibra is a place where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.

2.3. We recognize and respect the sovereignty of existing African nations and seek cooperation with them on matters of mutual interest.

Chapter 3: Virtual Citizenship

3.1. Anyone over 18 who accepts our Declaration and Constitution can become a citizen of Kazibra. This virtual citizenship complements, rather than replaces, existing citizenship.

3.2. Children born to Kazibran citizens automatically become citizens. We are a nation of free movement, and citizens can reside anywhere in Africa while maintaining their full rights and obligations.

3.3. As citizens, we enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms, including the freedom of speech, the right to participate in Kazibra’s affairs, and the right to own property.

3.4. We are also obligated to respect the rights of others, obey the laws, and contribute to the well-being of our virtual nation. Kazibra guarantees and protects these rights and freedoms, ensuring everyone is treated fairly and justly.

Chapter 4: Resources

4.1. Kazibra is committed to developing all our resources:

  • Human resources: We invest in education, training, and health to unlock the full potential of our citizens.
  • Natural resources: We responsibly explore and utilize the natural resources of our virtual territory and the surrounding environment for the benefit of all.
  • Financial resources: We use the Kazibra Token (KZB), a freely exchangeable currency, to support economic growth and social programs.
  • Scientific resources: We promote research, innovation, and the free exchange of knowledge to advance science and technology.

4.2. We recognize the importance of both public and private property and protect the rights of individuals and businesses.

Chapter 5: Governance and Social Justice

5.1. The power in Kazibra rests with the people. We exercise this power through elections, referendums, and direct participation in decision-making.

5.2. We strive for a fair and just society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We uphold the dignity of all individuals, rejecting any form of discrimination or inequality.

5.3. We value hard work and protect the rights of workers. We also provide social protection to those in need, ensuring a safety net for the vulnerable.

Chapter 6: Security

6.1. Kazibra is committed to peace and will defend ourselves against any threats. We prioritize the security of our citizens, both in the virtual world and in their physical lives.

6.2. We foster a safe and respectful environment, free from violence, discrimination, and harmful information.

Chapter 7: Blockchain Court

7.1. The Blockchain Court of Kazibra shall be an independent judicial body responsible for resolving disputes and enforcing the laws of Kazibra.

7.2. The Blockchain Court shall consist of a panel of judges appointed by the Virtual Parliament. Judges shall be chosen based on their expertise in blockchain technology and law, as well as their commitment to upholding the values of Kazibra.

7.3. The Blockchain Court shall have jurisdiction over all matters arising under the Constitution and laws of Kazibra, including disputes related to smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and other blockchain-based applications.

7.4. The Blockchain Court shall operate in a transparent and decentralized manner, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and immutability of its records.

7.5. The decisions of the Blockchain Court shall be binding on all parties and enforceable under the laws of Kazibra.

Chapter 8: 55th State Council

8.1. Kazibra’s 55th State Council shall be a governmental advisory body with no powers to adopt legal instruments or to control the activities of Kazibra’s governmental bodies.

8.2. The 55th State Council shall comprise 55 members. The Chairman of the 55th State Council shall be appointed by the Head of Nation and shall hold this position until the Head of Nation resigns, dies, or loses the ability to perform his/her duties.

8.3. Members of the 55th State Council shall be elected by Kazibran citizens for a term of five years and shall have an advisory vote in deciding matters within the purview of the Head of Nation, the Government, the Virtual Parliament, the Prosecutor General, the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra, the Kazibra DeFi Bank, the Blockchain court, and the Central Electoral Commission.

8.4. Members of the 55th State Council may be Kazibran citizens aged between 35 and 80.

8.5. The 55th State Council shall:

  • consider matters of state security;
  • consider the continental budget;
  • consider intercontinental treaties;
  • consider Kazibra’s economic and social development plans;
  • submit proposals to the Virtual Parliament regarding the appointment of the Chairman of Kazibra, Chairman of the Continental Bank of Kazibra, and Justices of the Blockchain court, as well as their removal from office.

8.6. The procedure for establishing and organizing the work of the 55th State Council shall be set by Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws.

Chapter 9: Prosecutor’s Office

9.1. The Prosecutor’s Office of Kazibra shall oversee compliance with and enforce Kazibra’s Constitution, laws, intercontinental treaties, Head of Nation decrees, Government resolutions, the decisions of the 55th State Council, the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra, the Kazibra DeFi Bank, and the Blockchain court, and regulations and resolutions of other governmental bodies and officials.

9.2. The Prosecutor’s Office of Kazibra shall be independent in its activities from other governmental bodies and officials.

9.3. The Prosecutor General shall be appointed by the Head of Nation and shall be responsible to the Head of Nation and the Blockchain court.

9.4. The Prosecutor General shall be a Kazibran citizen who has reached the age of 35 with a first degree in law, experience working in the legal profession, and the physical and mental health to perform their duties.

9.5. The Prosecutor General shall staff the Prosecutor’s Office, set its internal structure and procedure, and regulate its activities, in accordance with Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws.

9.6. The Prosecutor General shall have the authority to challenge any legal instruments of Kazibra’s governmental bodies and officials, which violate Kazibra’s Constitution and blockchain-approved laws, in the Blockchain court. The Prosecutor General shall oversee the legality and validity of the activities of the judicial and executive bodies.

Chapter 10: Continental Audit Office of Kazibra

10.1. The Continental Audit Office of Kazibra is an independent governmental body, which oversees the execution of the continental budget and spending from the Kazibran public funds, in accordance with the Constitution and blockchain-approved laws of Kazibra.

10.2. The Chairman of the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra shall be appointed by the Head of Nation.

10.3. The Chairman of the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra shall have an advisory vote when the 55th State Council considers the budget.

10.4. Auditors of the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra shall be appointed by the Virtual Parliament and, may be Kazibran citizens over the age of 25 with a first degree in economics or law, and the experience of working in the relevant fields.

10.5. The structure and procedure for the activities of the Continental Audit Office of Kazibra shall be set by Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws.

Chapter 11: Central Electoral Commission

11.1. Kazibra’s Central Electoral Commission shall be a permanent body responsible for the conduct of elections, including elections to Virtual Parliament, local self-government bodies, referenda, and Kazibran citizen voting.

11.2. Members of the Central Electoral Commission shall be appointed by the Head of Nation, the Virtual Parliament, and the 55th State Council for a term of 10 years.

11.3. The Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission

shall be elected from among the members of the Central Electoral Commission for a term of five years and shall have no right to vote.

11.4. Members of the Central Electoral Commission may be Kazibran citizens over the age of 30. Members of the Central Electoral Commission cannot simultaneously be members of governmental bodies, political parties, or hold any other public positions.

11.5. The Central Electoral Commission’s powers, procedure for the appointment and activity of its members, and the procedure for organizing the work of the Central Electoral Commission shall be set by Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws.

Chapter 12: Local Self-Governance

12.1. Kazibra shall promote local self-governance, which is implemented by Kazibran citizens in their localities of residence.

12.2. Kazibra shall support citizens’ initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life, safety, and order in their localities of residence.

12.3. Local self-governance shall be implemented through local communities of Kazibran citizens.

12.4. Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws shall set the procedure for organization, work, powers, elections, and replacement of local self-governance bodies.

12.5. Local self-governance bodies shall ensure local social and economic development, environmental protection, compliance with law and order, and protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens.

12.6. Local self-governance bodies shall act independently in their decisions, which are binding for all residents of the locality.

Chapter 13: Amendments to Kazibra’s Constitution

13.1. Amendments and revisions to Kazibra’s Constitution may be introduced following a referendum, where at least half of Kazibran citizens have cast votes, and where at least two-thirds of them have voted in favor of the amendments and revisions.

13.2. Referenda on the amendments and revisions to Kazibra’s Constitution shall be held in accordance with the procedure set by Kazibra’s blockchain-approved laws.

Chapter 14: Transitional and Final Provisions

14.1. The Constitution of Kazibra shall come into force once approved by Kazibran citizens.

14.2. From the moment this Constitution comes into force, the Constitution of the Virtual African Nation of Kazibra – the 55th State shall become effective.

Chapter 15: Miscellaneous Provisions

15.1. Official Languages: The official languages of Kazibra shall be Shona, Ndebele, English, French, Arabic, Swahili, Portuguese, Amharic, Yoruba, Igbo, Zulu, Xhosa, Somali, and Afrikaans, Berber, Chewa, Fulani, Gikuyu, Hausa, Kinyarwanda, Lingala, Luganda, Malagasy, Oromo, Sesotho, Tigrinya, and Wolof.

15.2. National Symbols: The national symbols of Kazibra shall be a flag depicting a rising sun over the African continent, a coat of arms featuring a zebra, baobab tree, and crossed spears, and an anthem celebrating the unity and diversity of Africa.

Chapter 16: Role of the 54 Virtual African Presidents – Governance and Social Justice

16.1 The 54 Virtual African Presidents serve as ceremonial heads for two-year terms. Their performance is evaluated based on project success and social outcomes.

16.2 They report to the Kazibra Head of Nation and collaborate with all Kazibra offices and departments.

16.3 Responsibilities include creating and presenting projects to Kazibrans and their represented countries.

16.4 They must participate in continental projects like an all-nations airline, media, sports/talent, and cultural tourism initiatives.

16.5 Travel is a requirement of their role.

16.6 They must possess above-average skills and presentation abilities to recruit more citizens to Kazibra’s cause.

Chapter 17: Sports and Talent Development

17.1 Kazibra recognizes the immense talent and potential within Africa’s youth and is committed to fostering their development in sports, arts, and other creative fields.

17.2 Kazibra will establish programs and initiatives to identify, nurture, and promote undiscovered and underutilized talents across the continent.

17.3 These programs will provide access to training, resources, and opportunities for young Africans to showcase their abilities on a global stage.

17.4 Kazibra will collaborate with local communities, educational institutions, and international organizations to create a comprehensive and sustainable talent development ecosystem.

17.5 By investing in the next generation of African athletes, artists, and innovators, Kazibra aims to empower individuals, enrich communities, and contribute to the cultural and economic growth of the continent.

Chapter 18: Media and Arts as Pillars of Expression

  • Kazibra establishes its Media and Arts Council to serve as the nation’s voice and amplifier.
  • The council will oversee the creation and dissemination of content that reflects Kazibra’s ideals, progress, and cultural richness.
  • It will foster an environment where freedom of expression thrives, supporting artists and journalists who embody the spirit of innovation and unity.
  • The council is responsible for promoting Kazibra’s image globally, engaging citizens through compelling narratives and artistic endeavors.
  • It will also spearhead initiatives to harness media and arts for education, social change, and the celebration of diversity.
  • The council shall ensure that all content aligns with Kazibra’s values of integrity, inclusivity, and respect for all cultures.

Chapter 19: Empowerment and Protection of Women and Children

  • Kazibra commits to the empowerment and protection of women and children, recognizing them as fundamental to the nation’s growth and prosperity.
  • The nation will implement policies that ensure equal opportunities in education, healthcare, and employment for women.
  • Special programs will be established to support mothers, caregivers, and children, providing them with resources for development and well-being.
  • Kazibra will enforce strict laws against all forms of discrimination, abuse, or violence towards women and children.
  • The nation pledges to create a safe and nurturing environment where women can lead, innovate, and thrive alongside their male counterparts.
  • Children’s rights will be safeguarded, with a focus on creating educational systems that foster creativity, critical thinking, and civic responsibility.

Chapter 20: Inclusivity and Support for Marginalized Groups

  • Kazibra is dedicated to the inclusion and support of the marginalized, ostracized, and socially excluded members of society.
  • The nation will establish programs to assist those with disabilities, ensuring accessibility and equal opportunities in all aspects of life.
  • Kazibra stands against superstitions, stereotypes, and flawed traditional beliefs that harm individuals or groups.
  • The nation will actively combat religious persecution, skin color bias, caste discrimination, and tribalism.
  • Policies will be implemented to provide education, awareness, and legal protection to victims of such injustices.
  • Kazibra pledges to foster a society where diversity is celebrated, and every individual is valued and respected.

Kazibra Declaration of Emancipation

With the adoption of this Constitution, we, the people of Kazibra, declare our emancipation from the limitations of the past and embrace a future of unity, progress, and shared prosperity. We pledge to uphold the values enshrined in this document and to work tirelessly to build a better Africa for all.


The Virtual Parliament shall have the authority to enact bylaws to provide for the implementation of this constitution.

Signatures of Founding Members or Representatives

Date of Adoption:

June 3, 2024

A Vision for a Decentralized Future

At Kazibra, we believe in the power of decentralization to create a more equitable and prosperous society. We envision a world where decision-making is not confined to traditional power structures but is distributed among the people. We are building a blockchain-powered nation where every citizen has a voice, a vote, and a stake in their future.